Strategic Initiatives

While public opinion on the risks of climate change continues to evolve, the ability of lawmakers to pass significant and enduring legislation remains constrained by their voters’ priorities, their perception of risk, and their understanding of the list of effective solutions.

Our Strategic Initiatives are designed to address these challenges.

Build and Maintain Our Slate

Future success requires identifying and nurturing a cohort of incumbent climate champions. A slate with the practice and trust gained from having worked together on bipartisan climate solutions will deliver critical leadership and momentum at some future point when the appetite of Congress is sufficiently aligned with public opinion.


Like so much of our politics, the issue of climate change has become politically polarized and proposed solutions are conflated with other issues and topics that reflect the values of the two parties. While this makes compromise and collaboration across the aisle extremely difficult, it is still possible.

Independent Expenditure and Electioneering

Paid and earned media coverage to normalize bipartisan climate action combined with research for, and electioneering in support of, our slate changes the risk-reward calculation for members of Congress who are willing to take the increasingly steep political risk of working across the aisle in our polarized electoral environment.


The journey to significant, enduring and bipartisan legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emission starts in the district or State of each member of Congress with small unilateral and incremental steps that leverage subtle changes in their constituents' views.

Fundraising and Campaign Contributions

We fundraise and make political contributions to keep engaged members of Congress in office long enough for them to develop the necessary leadership positions and relationships to pass bipartisan climate legislation.